Lilo Moykweni

Zone 15 Number 07 · Langa, Cape Town 7455 · (060) 303-0656 ·

As a full stack web developer, I enjoy working both individually or as a team and adapt well to new challenges. I have a keen eye for detail and through my experience in Agile methodologies, I have developed matured skills in problem-solving, use of KAN-BAN boards and managing tasks effectively within a team. My diverse tech skills, which in include certification as a full stack web developer offers me a wide range of knowledge in problem-solving and programming, algorithm and data structure, building and deploying web applications using Git and Github, Heroku with PostgreSQL database deployed on Mlab and Digital Ocean, writing and analyzing SQL queries. I enjoy creating a good user experience design, API integration, and responsive design. I have built web/Apps using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and NodeJS framework(ExpressJS). Iterative approaches to corporate strategy foster collaborative thinking to further the overall value proposition.


Full Stack Software Developer Apprenticeship


projectcodeX is a full time, one year coding program in Cape Town that trains bright young talent. to become Agile software developers. At codeX I learnt practical skills the tech industry demands. which is HTML, CSS, JavaScript, NodeJS(ExpressJS) and PostgreSQL.

ref: Pholisa Fatyela (Tech mentor) : 0737350156
3rd floor, 50 Harrington St, Zonnebloem, Cape Town,

Fabruary 2018 - December 2018

General Worker


Distell is producer and distributor of liquor beverages. I was working as a general-worker helping to maintain and Operate conveyor machines. Skills i obtained working there was toSet project timelines and kept teams on task to complete milestones according to schedule. Drove organizational goals by effectively, identifying and solving problems and Maintained product quality with a hands-on management style.

ref: Benjamin menders(Supervisor) : 0215302771
120 Bofors Cir, Goodwood, Cape Town

October 2011 - Febuary 2016



Skills training NQF 5
Networking Administrator

Demonstrate and understanding of different computer network architecture and standards.
Install a commission a local area computer network, Demonstrate an understanding of Wide Area Computer Networks (WAN’s) comparing them with Local Area Network (LAN’s) and understanding of issues affecting the management of a local area computer network
Demonstrate and understanding of the concepts of Multi User Computer Operating System, Design a Local Area Computer Network for departmental office environment

ref: Mr Gray Mayinoti (Facilitator)
Cape Town
January - Febuary 2018

Querky 30

Basic Programming Training
Quirky 30 organization provides a free 1 year training to underprivileged/disadvantaged youth in Coding, Design, Cloud and Entrepreneurship skills that are most in demand in the marketplace today.
ref: Shile Tshabalala (Executive Chief Officer) : 074 375 3767
Langa, Cape Town
March 2016 - June 2017

Langa High School

Senior Certificate(Matric)
Langa, Cape Town
March 2007 - June 2010


Programming Languages & Tools

  • Object Oriented Design
  • Mobile-First, Responsive Design
  • Cross Browser Testing & Debugging
  • Cross Functional Teams
  • Test Driven Development & BDD
  • Agile Development & Scrum
  • Attentive listening & communication skills
  • Great at Problem Solving


Apart from being a software developer, I enjoy most of my time being outdoors. I love travelling and meeting new people with different personalities. During the warmer months here in Cape Town, you will find me hiking, swimming, and braaing with my friends & family.

When forced indoors, I follow a number of sci-fi and comedy genre movies and reality television shows, I am an aspiring chef, and I spend a large amount of my free time exploring the latest technology advancements in the front-end web development world if I am not playing games online.

Future Plans

Through my experience in working with various volunteer organizations, I have developed strong skills in business administration, volunteer management, outreach coordination, marketing and management and support of volunteers, communication skills. In the future, I hope to study and become an agile scrum master.

My Projects

  • Back-End
    I Created a web application that displays a list registration numbers. Number plate should have a rounded corners, with a black border and a silver-grey background. Users should be able to type in a url. the added registration should be stored in the database and can be removed. then have dropdown than can filter towns. click here Registration App

  • This a simple Web Application that uses ExpressJS with a route that allows you to greet different people using a HTTP HTML form (HTTP GET and POST routes). I used a form to accept a usernames, a radio-btn to select a languge and button to submit the query. If the greet button is pressed a user should be greeted in a selected languge . If no name was entered please display a warning message. I created a route that displays a list of all the users that have been greeted and a user can be greeted only once click here Greetings App

  • I have Setup a simple ExpressJS server with a few routes that allow users to Select the call or sms radio button, Update the appropriate total and the global total when the ADD button in pressed, Configure sms and call costs, Configure a warning and critical level. If the total cost exceed the warning level show the total cost in orange, if it exceeds the critical level show it in red and prevent any new costs from being added. click here Settings Bill App

  • Unit testing for the list of functions on the server and deployed to travisCI. click here Backed testing

  • Front-End
    I have disgned four widgets with diffrent logics to calculate phone call bills by using DOM. If the total cost exceed the warning level show the total cost in orange, if it exceeds the critical level show it in red. click here Bill Settings widget

  • Unit testing. click here Unit Testing

  • I Create a web page with my name, surname a photo of myself with Table Mountain on the background and a table that transilates different Languages the concept here was to make this webpage responsive. click here Basic website